Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And Then There Were None: Mrs. Rogers Chapters 1-3

   I wish there were more people to help out with cleaning and the weekend guests.  I am never taking a job like this one again if I have a choice.  I can't believe the hosts left us with this many people.  Unbelievable, my first little while on the island and I am going to be a busy body.  Plus, it's so creepy, and huge, so easy to get lost.  Most of the guests seem pretty happy, but they expect me to know things.  I really don't understand why Mr. and Mrs. Owen's aren't back.  If they were, I would have a lot less to do.
   My husband does his job, but what happened today.  The music he put on, that WASN'T music.  I'm not a murderer!  What happened to Jennifer Brady was not our fault.  I don't know what happened after that.  The guests, they said I fainted.  The docter, Dr. Armstrong, gave me a drink and helped me feel better.  Then I was off to bed.  I lay here now, horrified.

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